Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pics of the Tallest & Smallest Dogs, Horses, & Cats

                    Gibson, a Great Dane that is 107cm tall was named the tallest dog in the world in 2004. In 2007, Boo Boo took the title for the smallest dog, she is 10.16cm tall and it’s a Chihuahua.

Einstein-small breed of pinto stallion is
only 35 cm and weighs 2.7 kg.

Jenson’s Diplomat Tina, aka Tina, 20 hand Shire mare

    Mr. Peebles 2-yrs old At just 6.1-inch (15.5 cm)
 high and 19.2-inch (49 cm) long

Trouble holds the world record for tallest domestic cat,
measuring 19 inches long from shoulder to toe

Friday, February 22, 2013

1800-1900-2013---HowPhotos have changed!

Nicéphore Niépce's earliest surviving camera photograph, circa 1826 View from the Window at Le Gras (Saint-Loup-de-Varennes, France)

Photo taken in 1900's

Now a days photography

1st camera vs. toadys

                                                  We went from this in 1840...

                                                            To this in 2013.......

Photography has come a long way!!


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Under Water Cameras

If it were not for the invention of waterproof camera's we would not have pitcures such as these. Technology has come a long way and we get more out of it everyday..

Friday, February 15, 2013

Dogs posing for a pic


                  They are saying "Get my good side!"


Thursday, February 14, 2013

DSLR camera vs. just a Plain digital camera

Takes the same kind of pictures just a little different. Not much at all...So why is it that everyone wants the SLR?